VIPER 2020
Team to User Massages.


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Well since your here... We should introduse ourselves more profusly...

(Hope I spelt that right.): Jace Lawrence

Hello, since you've found someway to get to this site. We might as well tell you what's in going on.

The year is 2020 fifteen years after the last VIPER's distruction. All lot of thing have changed, the Outfit is back. Lead by Lane Cassidy Jr; they're trying to take back the city.

But there's a new hero in town, the Defenders...

They get more publisaty than the last team. And they work a lot better than we did to. They stop at nothing, I mean nothing to get to the bottom of a case.

Keeping on the edge of the law, like the criminals who they hunt down.

The won't stop until the city in safe, and the Outfit is gone for good.

I would be helping... But I'm too old do drive that fast.
(Joe Astor)

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